
The Mathematics teachers at Belconnen High School work hard to support students in developing their understanding, fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills in Mathematics. Our teachers consistently look for opportunities to provide real world learning opportunities to further their skills in Numeracy.

The content of each year of study is varied, and follows the Australian Curriculum. Mathematics provides students with essential mathematical skills and knowledge in Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. It develops the numeracy capabilities that all students need in their personal, work and civic life, and provides the fundamentals on which mathematical specialties and professional applications of mathematics are built. Students are also provided with the opportunity to understand how mathematics is used in different careers and the possibilities they can explore for further study.

Education Perfect is used in the teaching and learning of Mathematics in classes and students are required to complete assessable tasks. This Online tutorial program assists students and parents with the learning of Mathematics.

In line with the Australian Curriculum students have opportunities to demonstrate the four proficiencies:

UNDERSTANDING         building knowledge and making connections

FLUENCY                        skill in choosing and applying appropriate procedures and concepts

PROBLEM-SOLVING      interpretation, investigation and communication

REASONING                   analysis, evaluation, justification and generalisation

In each year group there is an enrichment class and general classes. The Pinnacle Enrichment Program (PEP) course is available to students in all year levels who are able to work at a faster pace than those in the standard courses and is aimed at students with above average ability. All classes of the same year level study the same curriculum.

Enrichment in Mathematics is offered through a range of activities that are open to all students.

  • The Australian Mathematics Competition
  • Da Vinci Decathlon
  • WINGS (Girls in STEM event)

For further information on the curriculum, please look at the Australian Curriculum website: Maths