
Absence from School

When a student is absent from school for any reason a note is required from the parents. This is a legal requirement. Phone calls (6142 1698) or emails (absences_blch@ed.act.edu.au) are appreciated however if you receive an SMS informing you of your student's absence from school, please reply with:

  • the reason for the absence/s;
  • the child's full name;
  • and name of parent/guardian.

Alternatively, an email or phone call to explain your student/s absence is welcome.


Students are expected to be in their classrooms:

  • by 8.40am for roll call;
  • within five minutes of the bell or change over.

When late to school (i.e. after 8.50 am) students must:

  • report to Student Services
  • provide a signed note from a parent / guardian satisfactorily explaining the lateness.
    (Unsatisfactory explanations include such reasons as slept in, etc.)
  • the Rolls Officer will issue a late pass for entry into class
  • Consequences will be issued by the year coordinator for repeated lateness.

Permanent Late Pass

In special circumstances, the SLC of Student Services will issue students with a Permanent Late Pass, e.g., students who travel on the Transborder Bus or students who are required to attend daily morning training. These are issued on a term basis.

Students with these passes should sign in and then go straight to class, and show the Permanent Late Pass to their teacher.

Late to Class

Students who arrive to class late must have a 'Late Pass' from Student Services.

Leaving Class and/or School

Pass From Class

It is expected that students will remain in their classes for the whole lesson.

When it is necessary for a student to leave class (e.g. to go on an important errand, go to the toilet, to seek First Aid assistance or visit the library), the teacher must issue a signed and completed Pass from Class slip or a note stating the reason for the pass including the time and date.

Permission to Leave School

If it is necessary for a student to leave school during school hours, they must:

  • bring a note signed by a parent/guardian stating why the student needs to leave school and time the student is required to leave;
  • take the note to Student Services before school commences, recess or lunch;
  • Student Services will send for the student during class time.

When a student requests to leave school for any reason that has not been pre-arranged with the parent and explained with a note, the parent will be contacted and verbal permission gained from the parent, before the student is permitted to leave school premises.


  • Students who are unwell should report to the front office staff with a note from their teacher.
  • Students who are sick in class are required to obtain a signed note from their class teacher and report to the front office staff.
  • Students who are unwell will be accompanied by another person to ensure they reach the front office staff safely.
  • A student must not leave school or go into the sick room without first seeing the front office staff.  Parents will be contacted if it is advisable for the student to go home.
  • Medication will not be given without the permission of a parent. This includes paracetamol.